Amber and Claret

Amber and Claret

Amber and Claret Blades of sunlight cut through the trees reflecting the amber and claret of an autumn afternoon in the Jardin du Luxembourg. Fatmire and her son had travelled into the city from the banlieues for the first time in the seven years that they had lived...
My Diary – An Entry From Pontoise

My Diary – An Entry From Pontoise

My Diary – An Entry From Pontoise Ever since I left Montreal for Paris when I was just 19, I’ve been keeping a journal of all of my travels. It’s nothing more than a detailed account of what I get up to while I am away from Canada and doesn’t include a whole lot...
Papillon – Free Books in Orangerie Park

Papillon – Free Books in Orangerie Park

Papillon – Free Books in Orangerie Park Strasbourg sits quietly on the western bank of the Rhine and represents the best of the French and German cultures that have fought over it for centuries. Today, during this long peace, it is a bridge rather than a point of...
Catching Up With Old Acquaintances

Catching Up With Old Acquaintances

Catching Up With Old Acquaintances I had been tracking flights to Cyprus for months. It seemed off the beaten path and a good gateway to the Middle East so I had fixed it on my mental itinerary. Because I needed to return to Canada via Paris, I knew that I somehow...