Tricot Graffiti de la Harpe

Tricot Graffiti de la Harpe

Tricot Graffiti de la Harpe As visitors to foreign lands, our perception of places and the reasons why we visit may be far removed from the life of those who call it home. A Renoir painting where well-to-do theatre-goers wear top hats and Sunday frocks as they laze on...
The Journey of the Voice of Reason

The Journey of the Voice of Reason

The Journey of the Voice of Reason There was nothing particularly significant about this day, but The Voice of Reason was compelled to go walking. So, in a straight line, the Voice of Reason began to march across the great plain at the edge of town toward the very...
Breakfalls and Easy Calls – How Masks Became Politicized

Breakfalls and Easy Calls – How Masks Became Politicized

Breakfalls and Easy Calls – How Masks Became Politicized I was a rambunctious kid. On our yearly summer vacations to Cape Cod, my mother would hold her breath as I would swan dive off the dunes onto the sandy beach below. At home, I would leapfrog over the sofas...