I know Way Too Much About Fuel Pumps Now

I know Way Too Much About Fuel Pumps Now

I know Way Too Much About Fuel Pumps Now Ask me about the speed required by your ISP to upload 100 gigabytes of high-definition video in a 24 hour period and I would have a quick and easy answer for you. If you want to know about your PC’s system requirements for...


Arriero Nothing moves slower than a Colombian. The reasons for this phenomenon are various. In the north around Cartagena, Santa Marta, and the low-lying swamps around Mangangué and Mompox, the Colombian propensity for lethargy is attributable to the suffocating heat....
Comuna 13

Comuna 13

Comuna 13 Colombians are tired of violence. These were Rafa’s words to me when I inquired about security in Colombia. If I was going to be travelling the length of the country, I was keen to avoid problems. Normally, when people ask me about security in the many...
Zoological Crossing

Zoological Crossing

Zoological Crossing One of Colombia’s greatest sources of pride is its biodiversity. Anyone researching a visit to Colombia will inevitably uncover that it is the country with the planet’s highest biodiversity and home to more species of birds, butterflies, and...
Cali George

Cali George

Cali George There is a law of the universe whereby the right person always finds you when you need them. The drive to Cali had been one of the smoothest, courtesy of one of Colombia’s rare flat two-lane highways, but Tranquilo’s engine was making strange noises the...