

Durbar I think of myself as average height but I was a good six inches taller than everyone else on my flight from Muscat to Kathmandu. As we packed ourselves into the bus that would take us from the gate to the plane I could see the tops of so many heads – all of...
The Dandelion Has My Smile

The Dandelion Has My Smile

The Dandelion Has My Smile I arrived in Lumbini with a copy of Thich Nhat Anh’s, Peace is Every Step, an open heart, an open mind, and an inspired reverence for Buddhism. Stumbling off the bus from Bhairahawa at the Lumbini Bazar in the early evening, I trudged...
The Street, the Bus, and the Mountain

The Street, the Bus, and the Mountain

The Street, the Bus, and the Mountain There is something about bumpy roads, drastic fluctuations in altitude, and an all curry diet that combine to make every trip by bus in Nepal a real adventure. Over the course of my three-week visit, I took buses to get just about...
The Hotel and the Homestay

The Hotel and the Homestay

The Hotel and the Homestay While having lunch in Chitwan I met a young couple from France who were finishing up their visit to Nepal having spent the better part of a month in the country travelling on the same loop as I but in the opposite direction. They had already...
Omar’s Pani-Puri Cart in Gorkha

Omar’s Pani-Puri Cart in Gorkha

Omar’s Pani-Puri Cart in Gorkha   Located halfway between Pokhara and Kathmandu along the main highway that winds its way through the valley along the foothills of the Himalayas, the village of Gorkha sits nestled in the clouds along a route headed north toward...
Ganga, Parameshwar and the Illness in Thamel

Ganga, Parameshwar and the Illness in Thamel

Ganga, Parameshwar and the Illness in Thamel In 2015, Ganga lost her job as a quality control inspector with Vantage Foods. As she searched for a new job, she decided to offer some of her free time to a local government program that would match volunteers with seniors...