Welcome Aboard!

We’re about stories
I could share pictures of the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Pyramids of Giza, but then you’d get the same story that you can see and read about in just about any in-flight magazine or some travel documentary. What I’d rather share are the stories about the little forgotten hideaways that don’t get talked about. On my line, we tell the stories about the ramshackle saloon that’s been serving locals in the run-down old fishing village since time immemorial and that’s never had a name, or maybe you’ll read about that time when what was supposed to be a short two-hour jaunt from one town to another turned into a turbulent epic 24-hour journey. On The Coddiwomple Express, we celebrate stories about the village idiot as much as the emperor because when you’re a stranger in a strange land you never know who is going to be there to offer you help and it doesn’t take long to realize that deep down we’re all the same – we just want our story to be heard.
Call me “de Ko”
Hello visitor! Welcome aboard The Coddiwomple Express. I’m your conductor, Ian, but you can call me “de Ko”. I’ve been travelling around the world for as long as I can remember and I’ve seen some pretty amazing stuff. I’ve also had the good fortune to meet amazing people and all the while enjoying some delicious meals. Every place, just like everyone, is unique and all have a story to tell. As much as I enjoy all the sights and attractions everywhere I go, it’s really the people and the places that don’t show up in guidebooks and brochures that have made my travels truly memorable.
Travel is No Vacation
There’s no sense buying a ticket to a place far away, hunkering down on a piece of sand, seeing out the week, and heading right back to your doldrums. Travel, when done right, is a transformative experience. You have to leave to come back and if you return home only rested, and not changed, you’ve somehow missed out on what makes travel so rewarding.
Travel is Quest
In 2003, when I was travelling through Poland, I met a guy from Switzerland named Guillaume. After sharing many stories, many bottles of Polish vodka, and many heated battles over the disputed area of Kamchatka while playing the board game Risk, he shared with me his three reasons for traveling. “You see Ian,” he said, “I will never stop traveling because I am in search of three things. What is maddening is that I find them wherever I go and each time I find one, or all three, they are so satisfying to my soul that a part of me can not help but weep with profound joy. You would think that my search, my quest, would be over. I have found all these things I am looking for. I find them every day. Still, when the next day comes, I leave and start my search again. I travel for three reasons: delicious food, beautiful women, and an unbelievable view.
On The Coddiwomple Express we never stop questing. Ever.

Reach Out
Nope! I'm always on the go... so...
Check the map. My location is always changing
With no fixed address I can be tough to reach, that’s my bad.
However, I do love hearing from people so give it a shot. What’s the worst that can happen? Be sure to check the map to stay up to date on The Coddiwomple Express’ current whereabouts and if you want to get in touch try sending an email. My telephone number will always change as we travel from country to country but that’s part of the fun. Find me on facebook at “iandek” or follow The Coddiwomple Express on Instagram.